Saturday, October 9, 2010

Here we go!

Matt, my personal trainer, emailed me last night to see if I wanted to meet today. Oh, yes, most definitely! I emailed him back and told him I have a new reason for motivation.
What is it? My cousin and her husband offered to turn in some frequent flyer miles to get round-trip tickets to Rome for my sister and me. It will probably be next October. That give sme a year to lose weight, get fit, and be ready to walk and climb steps all over Rome!
I can't tell you how excited I am. I feel like I won the lottery!
It's funny because I was telling Matt the last time we met that I need to get my mojo back. I'm not doing bad, but I'm also not doing great like I was this summer. As he said, this happen to everyone--getting to a point where you're in a slump. It's all about what you do with that slump that determines whether you succeed or not.
You can tell by looking at me what has happened in the past. Now it's up to me to be a success in weight loss. It's time to fight the battle, full-on, and reward myself with a fabulous trip!
How lucky I am to have this opportunity to go to Rome! My weight loss won't be will be pure work and determination. But the dividends will really pay off when I get off the plane in Rome.
Here we go! This is gonna be a great ride...and walk...and climb...and zumba...and workout.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The dress challenge

So, I did a little shopping tonight. I was looking for one thing, but came away with something completely different. I found a sale I couldn't resist: a dress, regularly priced at $78, for $14!!! I love this dress, and I have a wedding coming up next would be perfect! This dress is made from that clingy, comfy material that many tops are made of these days, and it would have looked awful 20 pounds ago. In fact, I really would like to lose another five-ish pounds.

So, my challenge is on! Can I lose a little more weight in the next week? Yes, I can!!! Bring on the salad and fruit and other healthy foods. Oh, and here come walks and workouts, too.

The wedding I'll be attending? A dear friend of mine who I haven't seen in five years is getting married...I wish I had lost more weight, but at the same time, I lost SOME weight. Besides, the most important thing is we'll get to see each other and that's what matters most. He called me last night, and I was most excited when he said goodbye with, "See you next week!" I can't wait.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Back at it

OK. I promised a friend at work today that I would post a blog. She reminded me that I haven't posted anything since July 14 and added that it wasn't even a good blog, because it basically just had a link to another blog.

So, since July 14...I was still going strong for several weeks, but things have tapered off for the last week or two. I had food poisoning a couple of weeks ago. I was really sick for one day and then, didn't really feel like doing much for a couple days after that. That's all it took to get me out of the habit of exercising. Funny how that works, isn't it?

As I write this, I'm reminded of what Matt, my personal trainer told me. He said that everyone has lapses; it's what people do with these lapses that makes all the difference.

So it's time to pick myself up, dust myself off, and get back on the weight loss trail. My friend at work has been so good about exercising every day, and she looks absolutely beautiful. I have a long way to go, but there's only one way to get there, and that's to stay motivated.

So, with this blog, I'm pledging to get serious again starting tomorrow. Care to join me?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I just found this

I happened across this story when I went to search online for something work-related. I don't have time to write about my thoughts about this since I'm at work right now, but I wanted to be sure to post this URL. I'll write more about it later.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

80 sticks of butter

I've been avoiding the scales. Too many times, I've been disappointed because I didn't lose as much as I thought I would, or sometimes, I've even gained weight when I've been working my hardest. I decided I didn't want this to be about a number. But, OK, every so often, I DO need to step on scales. Last night, when I got home from working out, I decided it was time to do that--even though it would be a night time weight. It showed I had lost four pounds!!! I was pretty excited about that, but get this! I decided to go ahead and get my morning weight when I got up this morning.

I've lost 10 more pounds!!! That's 20 pounds altogether! Do you know how many sticks of butter that is???? 80! 80 sticks of butter, gone!

You might say I'm a little excited about this. This is even more motivation to be really serious about my new eating and exercise habits between now and Labor Day. Please, if you've been thinking about losing weight, join me. Just think of all the sticks of butter we can lose together!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

From now until Labor Day...

Wow! I just finished watching "Losing It With Jillian." I find this show very motivating, and tonight's show was no exception. In fact, I got on my exercise bike while I was watching it! I've been doing pretty well with my eating the last few days, but I really didn't exercise like I should have over the long weekend. I needed this show to get my motivation back, and it worked! I know I wasn't too far off-course, or I'd need more than that. But I watched as people had lost 18, 30, 53 pounds in just six weeks, I was so inspired.

I haven't been weighing myself because I don't want this to be about a number. I want it to be a lifestyle change. Matt has recommended that I weigh at least once a week to keep my motivation up, but I'm concerned that if I don't lose what I think I should, it will have the opposite impact. I'm making a pact with myself, right here in this blog, to challenge myself between now and Labor Day. That's September 6, so for the next two months, I'm going to go all out and really push myself. I'm going to exercise with all my heart. I'm going to focus even more on keeping good eating habits.

Sunday was Independence Day, a great day for our nation. But it's also going to signal for me to declare my own independence from being fat, to be free of all the things that being overweight limits me from doing and being. I saw on "Losing It," how beautiful Cora-Lei was when she walked out at the end of the six weeks. The rest of the family, too. Not only had they lost weight, but their inner beauty and happiness was shining through, too.

I want that. I can have that!

Does anyone want to join me? The great thing about this is that everyone can do this, and it doesn't take away from anyone else's success. Everyone can have their own success story. I hope my blog inspires others to accomplish their goals, too. Maybe the goal isn't weight loss. Maybe it's something entirely different. Whatever it is, let's do it together!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Step by step, flight by flight

I am so excited!!! I met with Matt, my personal trainer, tonight and had a great surprise. To get to the workout area at Bradley's Markin Center, you need to go up a flight of stairs. Those stairs have been my challenge from the start. I've told Matt for a long time that my goal is to be able to take those stairs like it's no big deal, and we've spent lots of time going up and down those stairs during workouts.

I arrived tonight a few minutes before he was done with the client ahead of me, so I decided to go ahead and climb those stairs.

Wow!!! I zipped (for me) right up the first half to the landing, and I even climbed the second half with ease. I went back down and climbed them again with Matt. I did great again! I know this may not sound like a big deal, but it is to me. I've hated how I trudge up stairs, and to be able to take them easily and not get winded--I can't tell you how happy that made me. Matt may be the only other person who can fully appreciate the progress--he was certainly pleased. He also noticed that during the walking portion of the workout, I wasn't getting winded. I know this may be "shocking," but I talk a lot during workouts, and he said he could tell in my voice that I wasn't having to breathe as hard. Way cool!!!!

I have to tell you about an unlikely workout I had one day this week. I volunteered to participate in this psychology test they were doing at Forest Park Nature Center, mostly because I think it may make an interesting story on down the road and I wanted the firsthand experience. Anyway, the nature center has some very hilly trails, and I swear, I took the longest and most challenging way out there! A friend of mine who had also done the test said she had been on some pretty challenging trails and said I might want to tell the guy conducting the study that I needed to stay on some of the easier trails. I decided I wasn't going to do that, though. I was going to do this!!! I didn't intentionally choose the most difficult trails, but as it turned out, I ended up on them. Even the student who went with me confirmed that. I told him during the course of us being out there that I've challenged myself to live a healthy lifestyle and that when I feel like I'm in better shape, I'm going to come out there and gauge my progress. I guess it made those steps at the Markin Center seem like a breeze!

Otherwise, I've enjoyed walking in our beautiful weather. It makes this challenge for myself that much easier. As for eating, I have been eating out a lot, but I've been trying to either order smaller portions or get a take-out box. I haven't had to cook, because I've always had leftovers! I do wonder how sushi stacks up as a healthy option. I've had it twice in the past week, so I'm hoping it's OK.

Finally, thanks for all your support. I am blessed with absolutely the BEST friends in the world. I'm happy to see I'm inspiring a few of you to get serious about your own eating and exercise habits. Together, we can do this!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sorry for the lack of entries. It's been a crazy week--my sister had surgery earlier this week, and I just haven't been much in the mood to write. My diet is going pretty well, but in this heat, I haven't been as good about exercising. I found a "Biggest Loser" video at Best Buy that seems to be working well, though. I especially like it because it shows one person doing a modified version for the things that maybe I'm not quite up to doing at this point. Between walking, using the video, and going t the gym, I think I should have a good "no excuses" combination of ways to exercise.

The support I've been getting has been amazing. I was especially touched when my friend Jana gave me a wall hanging. It quotes 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says, "So whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." I think this scripture really says it all. More than doing this for myself, I need to do this for the glory of God--to be the best servant I can be for Him. If I'm not healthy, I can't serve him to the best of my ability. This emphasizes to me that this needs to be a time in my life when I reflect on the blessings in my life and make this life change for His glory.

I've hung the wall hanging in the kitchen/family room near my computer. I thought that would be an especially good place for it, because my most likely time to snack is in the evenings when I'm messing around on the computer. Jana is one of my dearest friends. I thought this was such a kind, thoughtful, and appropriate gift, and her support (and that of her family) means a lot to me.

So, the life change adventure continues. I'd appreciate your prayers.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The scenic route (on unleaded fuel)

After completing this entry, I felt like I should add something at the beginning here. I had no idea when I sat down to write this blog that it would go where it went. As I started to write, I started to--*gasp*--think. You'll see what I mean. If you are only interested in how the diet itself is coming, just read the first few paragraphs, then run!

I'm sure not doing a very good job of keeping up with this blog, but I am working very hard at my diet. I've been eating out a lot, but I've really been trying to be good. One victory in particular was going to Steak 'n Shake, where I ordered the salad with grilled chicken. The burgers and fries weren't even a temptation, which is very rare for me.

I'm also happy to report that my snacks lately have been limited to the supply of bing cherries I bought the other day. I also found some Thomas bagel thins that I like a lot. Way too often, I choose to bring Reese's peanut butter cups, etc., to work instead of healthy snacks. I see that I absolutely can't go to the grocery store when I'm hungry. If I can avoid temptation there, then it's not constantly staring me in the face. We have a vending machine down the hall, but I think I'm too cheap to pay vending machine prices for chips or candy. I'm always looking for a bargain, and I have to reset my brain to realize that the "bargain" isn't just in the dollars spent on an item. It also needs to be a bargain in terms of health. This sounds so basic, and I've known it all along, but I haven't deep-down BELIEVED it before, if you know what I mean.

I need to get to this point in restaurants, too. I just have such a hard time paying $8, $9, $10 or more for a salad. At Steak 'n Shake, I had a coupon to get the salad for $4.99, so that worked perfectly. But usually, that's not the case. I look at getting a big salad with the meat, etc. on top vs. an entree that comes with a salad, and I go for the entree every time. It seems like a better deal to me, and I'm getting a salad, to boot. Maybe that's OK. I don't know. What I do know is that I need to stop looking at the prices on the menu and concentrate on what sounds good, both taste-wise and health-wise. Again, simple. But, it isn't for a woman who has struggled with weight her entire life.

I'm sure that people who have never had the struggle I have can't understand why I haven't just made up my mind to lose weight and do it before. It's not a matter of not wanting to do it, because I have wanted it very badly in the past. I think it's a matter of getting past food being more than what it's meant to be. It's fuel for our bodies. But, let's face it, the "leaded" fuel is often a temptation, at least for me. The funny thing is, I like the "unleaded" fuel--the fruits, the vegetables, etc. And when I buy cherries or bananas and baby carrots, they're just as easy as candies or other temptations. This is going to sound weird, but sometimes, I think I've subconsciously thought that I don't deserve to be thinner and more attractive.

OK, here's where you may want to run...

Even though my parents never made me feel this's something that I did to myself...I've always felt that I'm the sister who's the heavy, ugly one. I even felt that way when I lost a bunch of weight in high school. I guess instead of becoming anorexic or something, I did the opposite. I don't have any idea why I did that. The three of us have never competed with each other in that way. And when I got married, I never thought a thing of it that my husband never paid me a compliment about my appearance. I just figured I didn't deserve it. I'm the total antithesis of being vain. It hasn't bothered me in the least that people might think that I'm a fat, ugly woman because even when I was thinner, that's how I viewed myself, too. What WOULD bother me is if they didn't like me as a person--if they didn't think I was nice. I enjoy doing things for people and making them feel special and important, because they ARE special and important to me. That's where I see my identity, and I like that role. It comes naturally for me, and it's genuine.

Now I'm ready to expand that identity. I want to first do this for myself, and second do this for others. Once I get this all figured out, I want to motivate people and help them see that if I can overcome whatever twisted thoughts I've had about myself and make myself better, then they can, too. Whether it's losing weight, getting into the habit of exercising, stopping smoking or drinking, whatever their goal, I want people to see it's possible.

You know that question about where do you see yourself in five years? I happened to see that question recently, and I realized that if I were asked that, I wouldn't have an answer. Now I do. I've felt like I've been run down in a lot of different ways in recent years. Now that I've started to pick myself up on an inner level, I know this will translate in many other ways, too.

For way too long, no matter how much I've wanted to be better to myself, I haven't been able to do it. That's no longer going to be the case. I know it's a long road ahead, but hopefully, I still have a long journey ahead of me called life. I might as well live it to the fullest. I can't do that if I continue on the road I've been on; it's time to take a detour. The scenic route. The one that will bring me many years of health and happiness.

Wow, I can't believe how today's entry has evolved. It really got me thinking, and I apologize if this has seemed like a long stream of consciousness. Part of me wants to delete this entry because I feel like I'm revealing too much of myself here. But, discovering myself is part of this journey. And hoping that you can identify with me and join me in this journey, even if you have a different goal, will make the adventure so much more enjoyable.

Monday, June 7, 2010

How many calories are in a bug?

The only thing I ate today that I really didn't intend to was a bug that flew in my mouth when I was out for a walk. I am so excited that I'm not tempted by unhealthy snacking at work, one of my major downfalls. I've loaded up my snack supply with bananas and other healthy foods and steered clear from those Reese's peanut butter cups that are my downfall.
I went to lunch with one friend and dinner with another, but I was pleased with my choices and feel like I'm right on track. I'm finding that Yoplait Red Velvet Cake light yogurt is going to be my guilt-free "go gurl" treat. Add in the evening walk, and I feel very content with how I'm doing.
Yesterday, I went to a bridal shower, and I decided ahead of time that I'm going to tackle my weight loss in a realistic way. I didn't know what would be served, other than cake, of course, but I decided that didn't matter. I just told myself to enjoy whatever was served, in moderation. I ate a piece of cake, sans the frosting. Best of all, I passed up the chips and dip served during lunch, chose unsweetened iced tea instead of lemonade, and loaded up on the broccoli in the broccoli salad that was served. I was pleased with my choices and didn't feel like I was depriving myself of anything.
Tomorrow's plan is to go to the gym right after work and of course, keep on track with my eating. (That's part of my habit-forming agenda...make exercise part of my "official" plans. Then it's a priority, and I WILL do it!)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sharing a high-five

Sorry I haven't made an entry here in about a week, but I'm doing great with my diet and exercise. Remember when I said I weighed myself that night at the gym? Well, yesterday, I weighed myself in the morning instead of night, and with no shoes on. But I weighed in 10 pounds lighter!!! I was so excited. When I told Matt, my personal trainer, during our workout earlier today, I got excited all over again. He immediately gave me a high five and was so happy. It was great to see someone else that excited about my weight loss.

Matt has kept me in this for the past year, even when I wasn't too motivated. I especially struggled because I was getting winded easily after I had pneumonia last fall. After some tests and some scares, things are OK. I just needed to work my way back, and Matt's been very encouraging along the way.

I've known all along that no matter what, though, it is up to me to find that inner strength that puts me on track for a healthier lifestyle. I've started diets many times before, but this time is different. I haven't been doing this all that long, but in the past, I would have been tempted by something by now. Also, I'd be finding a million reasons why I couldn't exercise. Not enough time, it's too late, etc. I'm so happy that this time, I WANT to exercise.

Christine, a friend at work, sent me a link to one of her favorite blogs. It was about habits, and how we focus on bad habits, but we have good habits, too. The blogger talked about how, if we just make something like exercise part of our schedule, pretty soon, we're doing it without even thinking about it. It just becomes part of our daily routine. That's my goal, to just make exercise a regular part of my life. I have to carve out time for it, and then embrace and enjoy it.

I really do like the way I feel after working out or taking a walk. I feel a sense of accomplishment, but beyond that, I feel...sort of, clean, inside. It also makes me feel more alive, even if it's at the end of the day and I'm exhausted. I still feel, I don't know, satisfied. I don't know quite how to explain it.

I want to thank those of you who have said something encouraging in person or wrote something to me in Facebook or email. This means more to me than you can guess, just knowing that you're wishing me well. Yes, I need to find that motivation deep inside, but those of you who know me also know that I'm a very social person. Having friends cheering me along the way really helps. I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Ome, another co-worker. Ome recently lost weight herself, and she looks beautiful. She has stopped by my office every day and has offered helpful tips and encouragement--and has been pushing me to blog more. She mentioned following a weight loss program she found on It has a grocery list for the week, recipes, and a workout plan. I've poked around the site a little bit but haven't got to look at it like I want. I'll definitely be looking into it further.

In the meantime, I'm planning head for dinner tonight. We're going to Avanti's, and the bread there is a downfall of mine. I've made up my mind: one slice of bread with my salad, no more. Wish me well!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Dieting at the grocery store

I am a die-hard bargain shopper. Put a good deal in front of me, and suddenly something I'd never consider buying becomes tempting. So it was at the grocery store today.

On my way to the produce section, I had to make my way through the bakery/deli, and there I saw a huge sign: 99 cents (regularly $2.99). What was on sale? Cookies. Mini chocolate chip cookies, mini sugar cookies, mini pink lemonade cookies. They all sounded great, especially since I have some friends coming over tonight. My rationale was that they'd be good for nibbling on. Then the great debate began inside me. Yes this was a great bargain money-wise, but what about calorie-wise. These were tiny little cookies, and yet, the chocolate chip cookies came in with the lowest calorie count: 30 calories apiece. Who could eat just one, or two, and at three, you're nearly at 100 calories. Besides, I knew these cookies would have the Lay's potato chip phenomenon: "No one can eat just one." Still, I put a couple of cartons of cookies in my cart.

I ventured on over to the produce section. Ahhhh, strawberries on sale. Two cartons went in the cart. Yum, blueberries on sale for just $1 a carton. Hmmmm, the same price as those cookies. I put four cartons in my cart. Then the piece de resistance!!! Blackberries for $1 a carton!!! I absolutely love blackberries, not to mention they would be healthy. I started to put in about six cartons of blackberries, then I thought, "Wouldn't you really rather have those blackberries than te cookies?" I decided to load up with 12 cartons of blackberries knowing those would be an incredible snack I could eat and enjoy because they also would be keeping me on track. In fact, guess what I had as soon as I got home! (And the cookies went back on the table, not in my cart.)

When I picked up the strawberries, I decided to make some of my awesome strawberry shortcake for when my friends were over. I think it's one of the best things I make, and I figured that if I made that when people were coming over, I wouldn't have much left for later. Besides, as desserts go, I figure shortcake isn't too bad. And, I can have a small piece, then pile on the strawberries. Even though I had that plan, I have to tell you I paused at the Marie Callendar's pies on sale for $3.88, less than half price. And then there were two displays of them. I stopped both times, but I didn't buy any.

Dieting really does begin in the grocery store, and today, I give myself an A!

Friday, May 28, 2010

No free passes

Today was a strange day. My sister recently learned she has breast cancer, and we went to the surgeon today. I won't dwell on that here--that's her story. But, I will say that's an additional reason I decided it was time to lose weight. What if I were suddenly facing surgery? Would it be considered safe to do so?

We were at the doctor's office for a couple of hours, and afterwards, we decided to go get some dinner together. (And I was good. I stuck with a soup and salad; I was good at lunch, too: a grilled chicken wrap and salad.) It's a lot to process, all that my sister will be facing, and going to work out just wasn't at the top of my list. I knew this didn't give me a free pass to skip today's exercise, though, and I decided to exercise at home.

After I'd been home an hour or so, I decided it was time to get to exercising. I am NOT going to let anything get in my way this time. I did some stretching exercises, with and without the bands I have. I didn't exercise a full hour tonight, but still, I'm happy with what I did. Most Fridays, I don't even consider exercising. I want to get in the habit of getting up early on the days when I have something after work. I also am looking forward to doing some water exercises next week. The pool at the rec center is open from 6-8 p.m., and my plan is to come back to the rec center after eating and do some water exercise.

I think one of the things I have to focus on is not getting bored. By that, I mean I need to find a variety of exercises I can do, and I have to find a nice variety of foods I really enjoy that are quick, easy, and healthy. Please let me know if you have suggestions on either front. If you know of an exercise video you really like, let me know about that, too. Step by step, bit by bit!

I'm really excited about the challenge ahead of me. Believe me, I've come up with every excuse I can think of to not exercise, to "treat" myself--but then it turns out to be treating myself all the time. I'm going to try to find alternate ways to do that, with fingernail polish and nice smelling lotions, and other things that will help me feel attractive and "girly."

Here's to your health!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm doing it this time!

I have had a lifelong struggle with weight. Even in the first grade, I was the chubby one in the class. In high school, I managed to lose about 40 pounds one summer. But over the years, the weight came back on. When I got a divorce eight years ago, I already was overweight. Instead of being one of those fortunate ones who loses weight during a difficult time of life, my weight shot up 50 pounds.

I've made half-hearted attempts to lose weight countless times. Last year, I learned I could hire a personal trainer at a reasonable price at the rec center at Bradley, where I work, and I thought doing that might help my motivation. My personal trainer's name is Matt, and he is great. He is pursuing his doctorate in physical therapy and is a very kind and caring person who is patient and helpful. But we only get to meet about once a week due to our schedules. Matt wishes he had time to meet with me more often, but I assure him the biggest thing is that my motivation has to come from within ME. He constantly encourages me, and I think one of the things that has really helped me is that he hasn't given up on me, even though my progress up to now has been slow.

That's where this blog comes in. Yesterday, when I was getting off work, I really didn't want to go work out at the rec center. But, despite my objections within, my determination won, and I worked out. All of a sudden, during my workout, it was like something deep inside of me was awakened, and suddenly, as I was walking around the track, I found myself thinking, "I can do this; I can do this." Over and over, I repeated that as I walked and walked (I'd already done some weights on the machines.) I wanted to stop at 5:30, but I didn't let myself. I kept at it until 6 p.m.

In the locker room, I weighed myself. Yes, it was evening and yes, I had my shoes on, but at least it's a starting point. I had to let out a big "Pffffff" when I got on the scales. The young lady (no doubt one of our students) who had weighed before me had left the scales at 102 pounds. Probably at night with her shoes on, too. I laughed it off, though. I have no aspirations of weighing 102. But, I do have aspirations. Mostly because I know it would be good for my health, but also it would be good for my self esteem. I need to do this. I need to prove to myself that I can do what I set out to do. I need that sense of accomplishment.

When I left the gym last night, I WAS proud of what I had accomplished. What might be simple routine for many people was monumental to me. I not only had worked out for an hour, but I was proud of it! No one else was there pushing me along; I did this on my own, That voice deep inside of me was louder and louder, and it told me that this time, I CAN do it!!!

I decided to start blogging about this because if I make this public, I can't just quietly stop doing this. I HAVE to keep plugging on. I struggled a bit with a name for my blog and finally decided on "Step by Step, Bit by Bit" because that's what it's going to take. Every step, every time I exercise, is important. Every bit of food I decide to put in my mouth counts. This transformation isn't going to happen overnight. I've made a commitment; now the rest is hard work and determination. I understand it's a commitment I need for the rest of my lfie.

I'm counting on you, my friends, and anyone else who might read this blog, to keep me on track--to say something if you see me slacking off. I want to be a success--I WILL be a success.

Today, when I left work, I actually was looking forward to heading to the gym. Again, I told myself, "I can do this, I can do this." And I can. Because I have that much power over my life.

If you've been thinking about losing weight, too, look deep inside yourself and ask if this might be your time, too. My first nudge came at 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, 2010, when I didn't come up with a flimsy excuse to go home instead of to the gym. The light came on inside me at 5:30 when for a moment, I tried to tell myself a half-hour of exercise was enough for that day.

I don't think I've ever before been able to name an exact time and place when I knew it was MY time to lose weight. Maybe that's because it finally, truly, is my time! I'll post a before picture on here soon. See you here tomorrow!