Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed in

Well, we've certainly had some interesting weather here. We got about 15 inches of snow and even had thunder and lightning going on along with the snowing. Yesterday was quite a day, and even though getting some exercise shoveling may have been good for me, I'm very thankful that my brother-in-law came over with his snowblower to dig me out.
I've been doing very well with eating lately, but I haven't gotten too much exercise. You see, I've been battling a cold for more than a week now. Ever since I got pneumonia a few years ago...and now again in October 2009...I have been especially susceptible to bronchial issues. A slight cold quickly landed in my lungs, so I haven't been able to exercise. When I do try, I just start coughing.
Despite the lack of exercise, I weighed myself the other day and had lost another 5 lbs., bringing my total to 12 lbs. for January! I hope I can get to the gym before too long so I can keep that pace for February.
I feel fortunate to have snow days this week--starting at noon yesterday, plus today and tomorrow. I hope I can recover from this lung thing I have going on and get back to a full-fledged weight loss effort. I am coughing a lot less--now I just need it to stop completely!
I feel fortunate that I didn't have to make the mad rush to the grocery story before the storm. I had gone grocery shopping a few days ago and had plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, etc. In fact, I've enjoyed some tasty omelets and Crock Pot recipes.
On Monday, I had lunch with a couple of co-workers who also want to lose weight. We decided to meet once a week as a support group for each other. I think that's going to help us stay on track and gives us someone to talk to when tempted or when we have a victory. We talked about how it's important to not only track what we eat, but also to write down when we do things like resist a candy bar or work out. I think if we can celebrate the small victories along the way and feel better and better about ourselves, it's going to help us stay motivated.
With that in mind, I can't tell you how tempted I was to make a batch of brownies when I've been snowed in. Instead, I ate some grapes. A victory, for sure!

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