Sunday, March 6, 2011


Wow! I haven't blogged in more than a month? I can't believe time has passed so quickly. I had been thinking that everything was going well. I've been making good choices when going out to eat, I've been working out...I've just been avoiding the scale. It seems like if I weigh in and don't see enough of a loss, I get discouraged. So I try to not weigh in too often.

But then, I weighed in Thursday, and I had GAINED three pounds. I was so frustrated. I mean, I have been working hard at this. I have to admit, I did some emotional eating--had some pizza, some cookies, some things I shouldn't have, after that. Yesterday, I met with Matt, my personal trainer, and he doesn't get it, either. He was encouraging though, and told me to stick with it, that eventually, if I'm doing everything right, it will pay off. He seemed to be trying to figure out waht he's doing wrong, but I know it's not him. He's been great.

I thought and thought and thought about this. I'm trying to figure out what I can do differently.

Finally, I figured out something I could do. I haven't been tracking everything I eat and when I exercise, so that's my next plan of action. Maybe if I still don't lose, I can look at see where I'm going wrong. But hopefully, I'll discover if I'm doing somethign wrong along the way and fix it right away.

I can't let this get me down. If I do, another year will pass by and I'll be as heavy as ever. I'm tired of that. I'm tired of literally feeling myself slow down. I am tired of being tired. I'm tired of being fat. I want to be more active and have an overall better quality of life. I want to feel pretty. I want to feel good!

But I have to do more than want it. I have to really work at this. I'm not giving up, I'm not giving up, I'm not giving up.

That trip to Rome is still coming up this fall, and I want to be fully enjoy it!


  1. You can do it Nancy! I have all the faith in you and love when you update your blog because it inspires me as well.

  2. Ugh! Gaining weight is so frustrating when you're doing the work to make it go away. That's where I am right now too.

    But, you're right, you can't give up! You're doing great!! And, just like Erica said above, your blog inspires me too!!!
