Sunday, February 5, 2012

A spiritual workout

I did a Bible search online for the word "peace" and randomly chose a passage for inspiration. This comes from Daniel 10:19: "Peace be with you. Take courage and be courageous!"

I had to smile when I realized how much this answers the dilemma I told you about in my last blog entry. In that entry, I revealed how scary it is to think about being thin. There's a certain amount of comfort in being heavier...and I guess, since I've had a weight problem pretty much my entire life, there's comfort in the "known" of being overweight.

I love how God speaks whenever you open a Bible and how, depending on where you are in your life, the same passage can hold so many different meanings. I'm sure many people have seen those words and taken comfort, just as I am know.

"Peace be with you." PEACE--it's such an awesome gift. I feel like God is telling me, "Stop worrying, Nancy. The future is always uncertain. But you need to do what you can to make it the best it can be. You need to do it for your health and for your happiness."

The two go hand in hand, and I know that. If you don't have your health, it impairs every aspect of your life. Up to now, my weight hasn't slowed me down all that much, but even in the last year, I've noticed a big difference. I know I need to do this, and I need to do it now before my body really starts to fall apart.

"Take courage and be courageous." I feel like God is acknowledging these fears I have, but He also knows I can do it. I just have to shed those fears along with the pounds and be all that I can be. Being courageous is so very attainable through God.

I need to deeply breathe in the love of the Lord and allow Him to fill me with courage. I know that with God, I am all-powerful in overcoming any temptations, any moments of lazinsss when I don't want to work out...all of that. With peace comes courage and vice versa, with courage comes peace.

I know with every ounce of my being that with God as my coach, I can overcome this overweight state and look and feel the way God intends for me. I also know that God will be my protector when I'm thinner, just as much as He is now. I just need to "work out" in the form of devotions and prayer along with my physical workouts. Peace and courage are there for us.

We just need to step...or jog, or swim, or faith.

Praise God. And peace be with you.

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