Friday, January 14, 2011

My biggest enemy

I had a major victory (for me) at lunch today. I had planned to try this exercise class that's offered over the lunch hour. I've been wanting to go all week, but it's been exceptionally busy and I just hadn't made it. Today, I got away a little late, and then I needed to make a quick run to the Money Center before going to the rec center. There was a HUGE line at the Money Center, so as I'm sitting in line, I'm thinking I might as well skip doing any sort of workout today. I'm running late.
Then I had a good talking with myself. I asked myself if I am really serious this time about losing weight. Because that means commitment. That means that if things don't go the way you expect, you make adjustments, do the best you can, and keep working at it. It means not getting discouraged by ANYTHING.
So I convinced myself that the least I could do, even though I had a bite out of my lunch hour, was to walk around the track for 10 minutes. It took some strong and stern convincing, but I told myself this isn't about immediate gratification. It's not about "spoiling" myself by giving myself an "out" from getting some exercise in, even if it's just a little bit.
So I dragged myself upstairs to the track and made my first lap around. Hey, this wasn't too bad. I did another, and another, and another...Pretty soon, I decided not to stop at 10 minutes--I walked 20 minutes. I started toward the stairs, but before I got there, I took a detour and went to the arm cycle, which Matt has told me is a great cardio workout. I did it for 8 minutes, progressively adding more resistance and then cycling backwards.
And THEN I went back to work.
Thirty minutes isn't as much as I would have liked, but it's a whole lot more than I was going to do for awhile. And I know those 30 minutes of exercise matter, not only physically but mentally. I'll eat better. I already feel better. And the whole thing is a victory over my biggest enemy: myself.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you hate it when you're your own worst enemy? Way to go! I do that all the time on the treadmill. "Well, I could just do twenty today and then make sure I do the full thirty tomorrow." I have gotten better about telling myself to shut-up. :) And you are so right, those thirty minutes are drops in the bucket and you'll be so glad later that you talked yourself into it!
